Marco Dapper is the first guy to get naked. He gives a full frontal view, posing naked in a class. He has a big cut dick with huge low hanging balls. His body is very toned
Adrian Quinonez is part of an ex-gay group, but he is actually still interested in having sex with guys. We see him dropping his pants but only get to see his butt. He has a cute bubble butt. Then we see Marco Dapper and Brett Chukerman fooling around. When they are done, we see Brett's butt and then a front view as he dressed up. We can admire his big dick and balls. Marco Dapper and Brett Chukerman are circumcised.
A guy commented on His NSFW Scene Saying
" You mentioned the pubes were not real but thing is the entire genitals are not real. He wore a prosthetic penis and scrotum. If you really study and look at it in the video when he moves you can tell how it moves and the balls especially move rather stiffly. I do know a lot believe this is real and I have no idea why an actor would do this and not just use his real self unless he is just less blessed. I mean if it looks this real why not use the real thing. The penis looks pretty realistic but the balls look fake. Even the coloring of the genitals looks a little fake. "

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